Neddy, The Scientist
I’m Neddy, and I am the Scientist on the Cosmic Egg for the Space Cadet team on Mission KT, but if you choose my avatar, you can choose any role. The Scientist gets to use the analysis tool to see what atoms are in any of the objects in the game. On our first mission, I measured the different kinds of atoms in dinosaurs, in trees and in rocks. I also found a nugget of pure gold to measure. Gold is an element, so there was only one kind of atom – gold. The Scientist has a drone that flies in the air to scan the dinosaurs to make miniature dinosaur clones. I made five adorable clones into pets that follow me around the game.
My cousins and my sister and I get to fly through space and time in the Cosmic Egg. Lizzy, my older sister, tries to boss me around. I am in 6th grade, and I go to King Philip Middle school like the rest of the team. I love science and pretty much everything about outer space in particular. I play soccer and manage the boy’s lacrosse team. Working with my cousins writing The Stardust Mystery book was really cool, but I fight with my sister a lot. Confession: I am kind of addicted to my smartphone.