Lizzy, The Navigator
My name is Lizzy and I am the Navigator on the Cosmic Egg for the Space Cadet team on Mission KT, but you can select any crew role if you choose my avatar. The Navigator knows how to find things with a view from high up on our ship. The Navigator can place beacons on the ground to point the way for the Crew. The Navigator can also measure the velocity of objects like the incoming asteroid. The Navigator is also responsible for teleporting the empty shipping containers to the ground and then the full ones back to the ship.
I just finished the 8th grade at King Philip Middle School. Along with my cousins, I wrote a book called The Stardust Mystery about our experience competing in the Science and the Future Contest. Soccer, shot put, and discus are my favorite sports, and I teach and practice Mixed Martial Arts after school. Not bragging, but I have a second degree black belt. My cousin Milo and my sister Neddy are the people I fight with the most. I want to be an FBI agent. Oh, yeah, I hate to lose.